Average Contract

Panel with Evan Cheng (Cofounder of Mysten Labs / Sui)

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On a fireside panel with
  • Evan Cheng, Co-founder of Mysten Labs
  • Poseidon, Founding Partner Outliers Fund
  • Aaron Pon, Co-founder/CTO, Reep Labs
  • Hunter Lee Soik, Outliers Fund
  • Edwin Yen, Co-founder/COO, Blocto
We discussed the future of Sui, how we see Taiwan making waves in web3 (culture and talent sets us up for success, as well as regulatory backing).
Some philosophical questions such as what is true decentralization, and can we ever achieve it as individualistic humans. (We go through waves of centralization and decentralization, a central person may start an idea but will need to build it up to support decentralized operations).
What truly is fungibility? Fungible tokens and items only exist socially. You can say $1 is the same as another $1, but physically they are not - they have serial codes.